Hats off to you

11:58 AM Scarlet Amour 9 Comments

Hats make my face look wide. 
and my oval shaped head has never been the right size. 
the curls in my hair are never where they should be.
My contacts have never seemed to stay in. and i still have food left in my teeth from last night.
most colors don't compliment with my skin or my eyes and no ripped pair of jeans can cut me a break. and i don't even like to shop. 
but I'm still here.
& i can't find someone to pick me off the floor of isle 1.
but all you can do is lay there waiting for anyone to trip and throw you back into the pile of the used and clearance shirts. where you're hung up for years wondering why does no one want me? 
i was beautiful once.
and yes, i was beautiful. and you were beautiful too and what we had was beautiful.
Our edges were jagged and your imperfections fit to mine in perfect harmony no choir could hit our notes.
The way my hands felt through your hair and your smell made my knees go weak so i fell.
& one day you'll find that one accessory that just gets you. because yes, it is just an accessory. and you'll never want to take him off. 
it's the one that shows you you're indescribably beautiful among all of the rest. and you'll love way that he'll make your hair curl. he doesn't mind what you look like underneath with his simplicity. but it's going to be a wild ride so hold tight to your hats,
because some have lost theirs. 


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