
10:33 PM Scarlet Amour 3 Comments

Sounds of unapologetic screams and painful simultaneous uses of the word "push" make the playlist of a fresh heaven sent soul to enter in this absolutely terrifying world.
A world where we talk about bombs in Syria and Parisians with throats slit on trains. We talk about airfare to Paris these days. half off normal price. but taking the time to hover avoiding disease in public facilities is no way to strengthen any leg. 
We talk about love. 
We talk about caring eyes and vanilla flavored lips that glide down our bodies so innocently. Cells divide and nature throws its course in a fiery whirlwind so fast the hair we so carefully brushed covered my eyes so thick all i could see were the dark stains your heart made on my shirt. Blood. that the waves cursed with my body and i drowned. time and time again. Echoes of our heartbeats and the smell of freedom dance around in my mind, but we were injured. And all that was left were sounds of an unfinished love song desiccating in the dust. 


  1. Wow this was the realest thing I've read all day. Well done

  2. this is amazing. heart stopping, breath stealing, double taking, amazing. keep up the incredible work


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