How to unbreak a heart.

10:12 PM Scarlet Amour 8 Comments

- meet someone new
- wash away the smell of our sheets
- delete our songs 
- delete our pictures
 - sell the car we kissed on
- throw away his t-shirts
 - color your hair
- kiss other boys
- find a new crowd
- redirect the pain with a brick
 - consume unlimited amounts of chocolate
- talk to God
 - consult a doctor

you can't unbrake a heart.
- removal


  1. I love this!!!!!!!

    in all seriousness tho I do. brilliant.

  2. I like the part about consulting a doctor and then how you can't fix it, so you have to remove it. Snaps!

  3. I like you. and the entire idea behind this post.

  4. and sell the car you did hahahhaha

  5. and sell the car you did hahahhaha


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